Monday, May 18, 2009

It's a Boy!

It's a boy!

I have been calling it a he ever since we got that first positive beta. I don't know why, but I just did. And turns out, I was right!

The little guy didn't want to cooperate at first. He was sort of crossing his legs and had the umbilical cord between them so she couldn't tell for sure. But then the u/s tech had me lay on my side to try and get him to move and he still hadn't moved enough. So finallly the tech and I were just poking at my belly until he finally moved enough and showed for sure he was a boy!
It was so awesome to watch the ultrasound - we could have stayed in there all day!

Heartbeat was 158 andd everything looked perfect! The tech said he was about 6-ish inches and about 11 oz (in the 50-60th percentile which is great!) and measure right on track for where he should be.

Also got the results of both parts of our previous NT scans and they all came back great. And there were no soft markers or anything today, either!

DH was so excited - I loved the look on his face! He will now have a little fishing partner and my sister's baby will be a year when ours is born, so they'll be close in age to play!

After the results we went out to dinner to celebrate, called everyone we knew, and now here we are!

I have a little boy - a son! - growing in my belly - yay!


Sandi said...

Yay! Congrats on your baby boy! So exciting!

shawna said...

Congratulations!!! Boys are more fun that girls any day. Unless you would have been pregnant with a girl, and then I would have said the same thing reversed.

True Companions Plus One? said...

LOL Shawna!

And it appears I'm in good company with both of you lovely ladies!

shawnandlarissa said...
