Wednesday, June 10, 2009


OK - so I finally got my butt in gear yesterday and started calling some daycares. I had my spreadsheet ready with the phone numbers and a list of some questions (thank you to a fellow blogger for additional questions!) and started dialing.

There were a couple I really liked over the phone, others seemed fine, but didn't like the "person" as much on the other end of the phone. But, to be fair, we'll do tours of them all to get the real feel.

The part that hit me the mots was cost. I knew it would be a lot, but it was still shocking to hear in person. Most of them ranged from $225 to $245 a week. One was max $187. Yikes! There were some variances - ie: some provide formula/food/snacks, others did not.

While I do not want to pay that much money, I'm not seeing much of a choice. I called a few in-home places and so far, I did not like them. I'm trying to get recommendations, but no one near me has kids and those with kids don't use daycares anywhere near us, so I'm on my own at this point.

We hope to get the tours done in the next few weeks and are already on the waiting list for a few. Guess we'll see how it goes!

1 comment:

shawnandlarissa said...

The daycare hunt is so freaking hard. I don't like in homes at all but I just like the idea of having more than one person as the failure point, KWIM? They work for some people though