Wednesday, January 28, 2009

4dp 5dt - PIO Queen!

If everything's still on track, here's what the little ones should be spending their day doing:

4dpt: Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining

Outside of that, I have big news! Inspired by a fellow Nestie, I did my own PIO shot last night - yay me! I am trying to think positive that this cycle will work. And if that's true, I'll have to keep doing PIO injections for a few more weeks, including time when DH is out of town.

So I figured why not give it a try now while he IS in town in case I can't do it, right? Well, I did it last night and it worked - honestly not bad at all! I had to move it around a little to get my fingers right to pull back to check for blood, but not too bad. I could do it again with no problem. Go me!

And I'm sure everyone reading this knows what a PIO-sized needle looks like, but just in case, here's a sample. Not the same drug, but the same needle - yikes!

As far as symptoms, I'm beginning to lose some hope since they are going away. My boobs aren't as sore, not really gassy/burping nearly as much, I'm tired, but not exhausted, no more acid reflux/heartburn. I continue to have an achy feeling in my uterus and pains in my vagina (weird, but true), but I don' tknow - most likely from the meds. Despite trying to remain positive, I still have to tell myself that this may not work so I am not absolutely crushed should I hear a big fat NO. It's better for me that way.

So, let's all hope they are snuggling in today like good little ones - go embies!


shawna said...

I don't think that anyone thinks that it is going to work when it actually does. So I'm going to take it as a good sign. My symptoms left for a little while too, so I'm not counting you out.

Melissa said...

I did not know how big PIO needles were! YIKES! Good luck hon! Only a few more days til the big beta!