Sunday, January 18, 2009

ER Tomorrow - want to guess?

So - tomorrow is Martin Luther King day and we don't get it off as a holiday. But, since my ER is tomorrow, it looks like I'll be home anyway! I haven't decided if I'm working after or not since it's in the morning, but I guess I'll see how I feel after. And if I do, it'll be from home.

So - based on my numbers below (and past cycles), anyone care to venture a guess as to:
  1. how many eggs they'll get
  2. how many of them will be mature?

I don't typically get too many commenters, but thought this would be fun. Hope you all had a great weekend and I'll update you tomorrow!


Amy C said...

I guess 9 will be retrieved and 6 will be mature :-) Good luck!!

Sandi said...

Good luck! I am guessing 12 retrieved, and 8 mature!

shawnandlarissa said...

I'm guessing 12 retrieved, 10 mature

latebloomer65 said...

11 retrieved, 10 mature