Some of you already know the results since I posted it on the boards. But, for the others, here goes.
So - as you probably guessed, I broke down and tested this weekend - Saturday, Sunday, and again this morning. And BFN's for all 3. As I mentioned before, I just had to know so I could prepare myself for when I get the news at work.
I went in this morning for the official blood draw and she asked me if I had a feeling and I told her - yup - it's going to be negative - and explained why and she said I cheated! LOL
I didn't really want to go in there and pay the lovely copay just to find out what I already knew. But I did anyway, just like other 2 times. And apparently my veins didn't want to either because my normal regular vein would not let her needle in - and let me tell you - she tried! And it's a HUGE vein! lol She then poked my other arm, told me not to count everything out and off I went.
So now - on to the news you waded through the above babble to get to. She called me just before my 1:00 meeting and told me the news - 16.2.
So, technically I am pregnant! I know it's not a huge number and everyone has graciously reminded me it's not the number that counts, it's that it doubles withing the 48-72 hours. And that there have been lots of low beta success stories. So back I go on Wednesday for Beta #2! =
One girl on my local also made a point I'd like to stick in my arsenal of positive thoughts (thank you, Melissa!). That since I have been getting only BFN's on my HPT's, my number has most likely at least been going up, and not down. It's not like I got 2 lines Sunday and today just one, right?!
And really, if you knew both of us, we have been known to procrastinate. So really, it would make sense that our little one would be a procrastinator as well and just be a late implanter, right? LOL ;-)
The nurse mentioned my progesterone was only at a 15. So kind of on the low side for a medicated cycle and depending on the outcome Wednesday will determine what they'll have me do. As of now, I am going to continue on my PIO and Lovenox and hope my number doubles for Wednesday!
As a side note, it would be even more awesome if it did double since DH's birthday is Thursday - it'd be a great birthday present, right?!
Thank you so much to everyone who has been so supportive and positive. It means so much!
Belly Pics!
15 years ago
1 comment:
Yay!!! POsitive results!!! It will double..I feel it!
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