Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sad Day, Happy Day, Nervous Day

A lot of emotions going on today.

Sad: today is the anniversary of when my cat got hit by the car. Which, if any of you read back then and remember, was the start of a really long, bad summer which ended with my kitty not making it. Maybe I'll post pictures later to cheer me up - to remember the good times. We miss you, Riley!

Nervous: started spotting red yesterday. Wasn't a ton, but enough to freak my out, of course. My OB has a rule to call whenever you have spotting of any kind. Of course they were closed yesterday so I called today and they are having me come in today for a pelvic exam and check the heartbeat. And then based on those, if we do an u/s or anything else. I haven't spotted today, but I have been feeling some funky feelings in my uterus, cervix, etc... But, then again, they could just be normal and I'm just more tuned into them right now based on the spotting.

Happy: I officially start week 21 today, meaning I have officially completed the first half of this pregnancy. I was just thinking about this the other day and thought to myself - how in the world did that happen?! I've been very lucky and have been feeling very well so far. Here's to hoping it continues that way!

Hope everyone had a great long weekend!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oooh. so sorry about the anniversary of your kitty getting hit and the spotting.. I know the spotting can be so scary. Chances are, this late in the game though and just a little bit its nothing.. Hopefully your Dr appt will reassure you! And happy half way point!