Thursday, September 24, 2009

37 Week Appointment

Nothing out of the ordinary - just a standard appt:

Baby's HB: 150's
My BP: 120/70 (went up from 110/70, but OB said they didn't worry unless it was over 140/90)
My Weight: -1, so now at total +10

OB did what I'll call an external exam - measured fundal height like usual (on track) and then felt my uterus for the shape, size, and position of the baby. While he didn't get any real measurements, he said that the little guy felt like he was "average" which I'm ok with! lol I'll take average over a big/little guy!

Other than that, nothing else too exciting. Still carrying high, so I expect him to be in there for a while still. Gives my lazy butt time to finish things up!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

37 Week Pictures!

I forgot to post them below, so here goes:

One of these days I may put a side-by-side of now vs. earlier in the pregnancy. I haven't done that yet even for myself to look at!
Hope everyone is doing well!

37 weeks = Full Term!

Not much to update this week other than I'm Full Term! No, that doesn't mean I want him to come now, but hey - I don't see him making his move yet anyway. ;-)

We had our birthing class on Saturday and, while long, it was informative - especially for DH who hasn't done as much research yet. And we have our last class tomorrow night - Infant & Child CPR. Why it is scheduled to take 3 hours, I'm not sure (maybe they're doing other safety things, too?).

Other than that, I've been a shot-free, "regular" pregnant girl for a full week now and it's kinda nice!

How far along?: 37w1d
Total Weight Gain: +0 since last appt, total +11
Stretch Marks?: still no new ones - still just the couple on the underside of my breasts, knock on wood!
Sleep?: same - sleep, up to pee, sleep, up to pee, repeat.
Best Moment This Week: Full term!
Movement: he's keeping busy ;-)
Food Cravings: Still nope.
Labor Signs: not really
Symptoms: same as always - periodic heartburn, we're back to constipation, my lovely right rib and leg.
Belly Button In or Out?: Still in.
What I miss: wow I'm boring - not much has changed in a lot of these. Still the same - sleeping all night on my back/stomach.
What am I looking forward to: dresser arriving and we can hopefully finalize his little room!
WeeklyWisdom: nothing really. I bought an exercise ball and plan to use that often.
Milestones: Full Term!

Friday, September 18, 2009

This Weekend

We have a lot going on this weekend!

- Work shower (yummy cake!)
- Going to grab dinner and see The Informant with Matthew Damon. Looks good!

- Birthing class
- Finish up shopping for the baby (we got 3 of the same stroller, so thought we'd return 2 to finish things up).

- DH watch football and go fishing
- Me - finally turning in that pregnancy massage gift certificate DH got me for my birthday! Yaaaay!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

36 weeks!

So, here we are at 36w3d - not too far from being full term!

Stats from this week's Appt:
LO's HB: he was too busy moving around for her to get a real measurement!
My BP: 110/70
My Weight: +0, total +11
Position: still head down!
How far along?: 36w3d
Total Weight Gain: +0 since last appt, total +11
Stretch Marks?: still no new ones - still just the couple on the underside of my breasts, knock on wood!
Sleep?: same - sleep, up to pee, sleep, up to pee, repeat.
Best Moment This Week: Our shower on Saturday! It was great!
Movement: Still lots of movement. He made me nervous Thursday night when he wasn't moving as much, but he of course proved me wrong once I got to the OB office for the NST!
Food Cravings: Still none yet.
Labor Signs: not really, I don't think. My constipation has decided to go to the other extreme (TMI, sorry) end and a bit of upset belly, but who knows what that really is. And then some standard Braxton Hicks still.
Symptoms: heartburn periodically and the constipation has went the other direction Other than that, just my lovely right rib and leg – although not constant, thankfully.
Belly Button In or Out?: Still in.
What I miss: still the same - sleeping all night on my back/stomach. Oh, how I still miss thee.
What am I looking forward to: My work shower is tomorrow and birthing class is Saturday. After that, it's date night for DH and I!
WeeklyWisdom: nothing really. I’m so boring. haha
Milestones: I am now injection free! Took my last Lovenox injection plus Baby Aspirin and B6 pill on Monday. It's so weird! lol Oh - and I'll be full term on Monday!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm Vibrating

LOL Last night my right hip flexor (ish) area started vibrating. Comes and goes. Still happening today. It's the weirdest thing ever.

Gotta love the things pregnancy does to your body. Any one else experience that?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Baby Shower & Grey's Anatomy

So my baby shower was yesterday and I loved it! It was just so awesome to have everyone there together to celebrate our little one! It made me so happy and can't wait to tell DH all about it when he gets home!

I even gave the LO a tour last night of his nursery and told him about the day and showed him some of the items. lol Yup, I'm a dork. ;-)

I'll post some pictures and tell more about it once I get some from mom or some of the other fine ladies who took them. ;-)

(And a big thank you again to the dinner club! haha)

And - on another note - OMG - I can't wait for 9/24 when the new Grey's Anatomy season starts. Just these 5+ minutes were good!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Friday, September 11, 2009

NST #1 and Baby Shower!

So - I had my first mini-freak out about the baby. Usually the little guy is very active at night and last night he just was not. I barely felt him move - even after all my usual tricks - poking my belly, putting my laptop on my belly, eating ice cream, etc... And still this morning. So I called my OB and they had me come in.

And wouldn't you know it, once I sit down in the waiting room the little guys starts moving like crazy and now won't stop! lol And I am NOT complaining!

But it was pretty cool to just be able to sit in there and listen to his heartbeat fluctuate for 10-15 minutes and see the contraction thing move. I don't know what it all relates to, but the contraction piece varied from 3% - 39% during the test and the heartbeat was all over the place - especially when he moved. So cool to see!

They said everything looked great, confirmed my regular appointment for next week and sent me on my way. They also made sure to tell me to call anytime - to not hesitate ever, that's what they're there for. That made me feel great!

And I learned one more thing - the NP who checked in said - Hmm, I wonder why you have a blue folder. Turns out, b/c I was at the RE, I have a special folder - that's kinda cool to know - I like knowing where I came from and why I may be paranoid sometimes. ;-)

So - other than that, DH is going fishing with a friend of his up by my parents' this weekend and tomorrow is my shower. I can't wait - to have everyone all in one place. Yay!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

35 week Pictures!

I forgot to post these earlier. Here are some pics for this week! He's growing!

Horton Hears the Who

So DH has started a new book with the baby last night - Horton Hears a Who. We made it about 1/3 of the way through last night before we fell asleep. Here's what I found waiting for me in my Inbox this morning from DH:

Horton hears the Who. Tonight part 2 at 11pm. Horton takes a bus and goes to Buffalo to see the WHO in concert on their reunion tour.....he is faced with some tough choices and... oh wrong version. See ya tonight.

I love DH and I love that he makes me laugh - hope you all have a fantastic day!

35 Weeks Appt

So, I’m 35w3d today and we had our last bi-weekly appointment yesterday. From now on, we go every week – hello doctors! Haha

Yesterday’s appointment was a bit of a change-up from the standard – in and out appointment. They did the Group B Strep swab yesterday (will find out results at next week’s appointment) with some nice little swabs in the front and the back, followed by my first internal. Still holding long, hard and closed!

After the appointment we stopped off for my 3rd tri Thyroid draw and then to Walmart for an exercise ball. My back doesn’t really hurt (thank goodness!) but I figured it can’t really hurt to start using it. And this way I’ll have it for labor, as well.

Here are the stats:

LO's HB: upper 140's
My BP: 110/78
My Weight: +0, total +11
Position: still head down!


How far along?: 35 weeks! (and 3 days ;-) )

Total Weight Gain: +0 since last appt, total +11

Stretch Marks?: still no new ones - still just the couple on the underside of my breasts, knock on wood!

Sleep?: pillows still helping, but still not sleeping all the way through. Sometimes feels like I do, though since I’ve been going to bed so much later lately. I think Nesting has kicked in – I keep working on projects and can’t stop!

Best Moment This Week: Finishing painting the nursery, we put the crib together last night (it’s beautiful!) and just seeing DH so excited about this little guy. Talking to my belly, kissing my belly, reading to my belly, everything. I love it and I love him even more!

Movement: Still lots of movement. Especially after I eat ice cream – he absolutely takes after mommy in this aspect! haha

Food Cravings: Still none yet.

Labor Signs: not really

Symptoms: heartburn periodically and the constipation has lessened (thank you Colace!). Other than that, just my lovely right rib and leg – although not constant, thankfully.

Belly Button In or Out?: Still in.

What I miss: still the same - sleeping all night on my back/stomach. Oh, how I miss thee.

What am I looking forward to: My shower is this Saturday!Weekly

Wisdom: nothing really. I’m so boring. haha

Milestones: Nursery is painted and crib is put together. Do those count?

Monday, September 7, 2009


Wow! I've always seen people post about hitting their 35/35 (35 weeks pg, 35 days left), and now it's my turn. 5 weeks left - wow!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Busy Week!

: Had a lot going on this past week - phew!

Monday: Hit 34 weeks and watched my old softball team play in game 2 of the league championship.

Tuesday: we went to our breastfeeding class - seemed to be pretty informative and it's good to know we can see the lactation consultants anytime we need!

Wednesday: went to our "So Now You're a Family/.Taking Care of a Newborn" class. Lots of good info there, and very happy we went. DH even learned to change a diaper and swaddle!

Thursday: game 3 of my old softball team - they ended up losing the series 2-1. :-(

Friday: wedding

Saturday: Finished painting the nursery and putting up the chair rail. We think it looks great and will have to post pictures soon!

Sunday: spent the day hanging out in Lake George - weather was awesome!

Phew - I'm tired just writing all that! lol This coming week should be almost as busy - but again with good stuff!