This is my first time on these and I did NOT know that they were going to be IM injections. I was naive and assumed they'd be sub-q until I saw that bottle yesterday and saw the words - Sesame Oil and IM. Gulp.
I haven't done any IM shots before and haven't been looking forward to them for the PIO shots during the 2WW, but I still have a while before that comes. But nope - starting next week, my husband will be aiming a giant needle at a target on my butt!
On a lighter note, here are some more pics of some animals from my mom and dad's volunteer trip to South Africa. I don't remember all of their names, but I'll do what I can!
Here's the mom and baby giraffe to go with the daddy from my post below:
Daddy giraffe with a bird perched on top of one of his horns:
Springbok? There were a lot of deer-type animals so I can't remember all their names!
More deer-type guys and gals:
Water Buffalo type guys:
Pretty Zebras keeping a close eye on my parents!
A couple pics of Osteriches:
This one was spreading his feathers in alert if I remember correctly:
Monkey see, Monkey do!
Just some birds having a bath ;-)
And on a different note, here are some of the housing near where they were. Such a different world between the races there and where and how they live:
It's hard to see in this picture since it's so small, but across the water there are the nicer houses - such a distinct division:
A lot of the house roofs are kept down with rock as seen here:
And lastly, some kids that gladly posed for a picture as my parents went by - how cute!:
My mom took a billion pics - they were so awesome to look at - especially the ones that had so many different types of animals just all hanging out together - it was so cool to see! It's too bad that the pictures on here are so small - I wish I could make them bigger!
I hope everyone's doing well and are almost done with their holiday shopping!