Wednesday, August 27, 2008


OK, so I made that up - 2 days past Retrieval. Yup, I'm a dork - but I thought it was a pretty good way to describe it. So our 3 day transfer is tomorrow at 10:15. Can't wait!

We've spent the last couple days just hanging out. We took the boat out (Tom fished and I read and relaxed in the sun!), went for walks, grilled, had dinner with a friend yesterday, etc... Not sure yet what we're going to do the rest of the week to and the last few days of our vacation. Maybe a quick trip up to Lake George or something, I don't know. Just something relaxing and vacation-y - guess we'll see. As long as it helps me take my mind off the dreaded 2ww, I'm good!

As far as side effects go, I'm still bloated, but the ovaries haven't hurt as much as they have the last couple days. They didn't hurt yesterday morning, but by the end of the day they started aching - I've learned I probably shouldn't lay on my belly to read while in the boat - oops! Either way, much better today - bring on the transfer!

So what do you think? Are all 3 embies still kicking? Or did we lose one? Or did the 4th one catch up? I'll let you know tomorrow!


shawna said...

All 3 embryos are still there impatiently waiting to knock you up! I am at least praying for that, without the knocked up words.

Sandi said...

Good luck today! I think the forth caught up, can't wait to hear back! It sounds like you guys are having a nice week off, perfect environment for your embies to snuggle in for the long haul!

I have had some pretty intense cramps, not sure what's going on in there! I have been having headaches, and sneezing too....hmmmm!

The fair was great! I love the animal barns too, we go early just to see them getting the cows ready for their day!

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you...and will be stalking later = )

Nikki Godbee said...

Good luck tomorrow. I hope there are 4 littel guys there waiting for you!