Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Endometrial Biopsy Results & IVF#3 Protocol

Biopsy results came back negative - so once again - nothing wrong with me! So why won't these lovely little embies of ours stick around?! Guess that one's still left to be determined. Joy! Maybe it's too much fragmentation? Maybe we're just unlucky? Maybe something sperm related? Or my eggs suck?

Maybe this new protocol will help? Who knows. It's a mixture of Estrogen Priming and Antagonist. Here's what I'll be on in no particular order:

- 10 iu daily, drop to 5 (yup - even though it's antagonist - go figure)
- daily

Estrodial Valerate
- 4 mg inject
- 4 times
- 225 iu
- daily once start stimming

- 75 iu
- daily with Follistim

- 2,500 mg boosters
- not sure of frequency

- Ganirelix
- 0.25 mg/0.5 ml
- daily once start stims

- trigger

- 50 mg
- daily after Retrieval

- 30 mg
- daily after Retrieval

- 200 mg
- daily after Retrieval

- 2 mg
- daily after Retrieval

Then the regular smaller stuff: valium, doxycyline, etc...

Definitely a change from my regular old Lupron + Follistim + Trigger, eh?

So, once I get my period, we will decide if we want to start IVF#3 or not - based on finances and how everything would line up with the holidays. Let's hope 3rd times the charm!

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