Thursday, July 9, 2009


Yes, peeing. That's what today's post is about - seeing as how I'm doing enough of it lately. ;-) I want to preface this post by saying that I'm not complaining (b/c it isn't that bad honestly), just pointing out things I've noticed. So let's get started:

1) The standard - I'm pregnant. I drink a lot. I pee a lot. I never thought to include the cost of increased toilet paper purchasing in our budget. lol

2) The little guy likes to use my bladder as a trampoline. I love that I can feel him, not loving the sudden urges to pee. ha

3) Haven't slept through the night in I don't know how long - often due to getting up to pee. Multiple times. Good thing it's not too far from the bed.

4) My "style" of peeing has changed. Before I was pregnant, the rate at which I peed varied. If I really had to go, it came out fast. Now - it's always a steady rate. Always. Well - except for those trickles that result from above mentioned trampoline practice. It's like there's a limit on how fast I'm allowed to pee now. Very weird. Anyone else notice this?

5) Cramping/ab tightening. Just for a short while. And often right before I go and right after I'm done. Anyone else?

6) The lovely "snissing". While it's been close, I haven't actually peed my pants yet (thanks kegels??), but I have a feeling it will happen at least once before this pregnancy is over.

OK - guess that's it. Just some weird little things I've noticed about peeing now that I'm pregnant. ;-) Anyone else experience any of these, too? Or have anything else to add to the list?

Hope everyone's having a great day!

1 comment:

shawnandlarissa said...

I think I was up to pee at least 4 times last night. Ugh