Thursday, July 16, 2009


So I signed up for a pre-natal yoga class and last night's was the first class. I wasn't sure what I would think going into it but it wasn't too bad. Just a couple things I had trouble with:

1) Breathing. I don't know about you, but whenever I think about the process of breathing, the thing that usually happens so naturally becomes almost impossible to do. And the fact that she kept constantly telling me to think about breathing in... breathing out... I could not for the life of me breath comfortably! And I had to actually make myself inhale and exhale each time. Sooo not natural or relaxing at all. Anyone else like this or have suggestions?!?!

2) "Yoga-ese". I know it's not officially a word, but it's what I call it when referring to the way the instructor was speaking and things she said. I know it's not right, but I just had a hard time getting into all the talk about "the universe", and that I wasn't "running toward anything" and that the universe was happy, energy, etc... I know that's a big part of yoga and will be something I have to definitely work at not rolling my eyes to.

Other than that, it was great - will take me a couple sessions to get familiar with everything and not have to look up to make sure I'm doing it right. And the oddest thing - it's upstairs from my RE office. It was so weird going back there! I was hesitant about going to a pre-natal class at an RE's office for the simple fact that I would HATE for an IF patient to see a bunch of ladies with pregnant bellies walking around. Ouch. But, thankfully, the class was at 7:00 pm so the RE's ofice had long since closed.

I will miss next week's class while in Jamaica, but they said I could make it up during any of the other yoga classes - yay!

And now, speaking of Jamaica. We'll be there TOMORROW! So I leave you with this awesome pic - another great way to relax other than yoga. ;-)

1 comment:

shawnandlarissa said...

I wanna go! To Jamaica that is

Ok, I'd probably take the yoga class too :)