Monday, August 31, 2009
One Year Ago
We hope you're having a fantastic time in kitty heaven!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
33 weeks!
LO's HB: upper 150's
My BP: 110/68
My Weight: +1, total +11
Up Next: our last bi-weekly appt which will include the Strep B swab and possibly the final thyroid test. After that, it's weekly appts. Then daily once I hit my due date.
How far along?: 33 weeks! (and 2 days ;-) )
Total Weight Gain: +1 since last appt, total +11
Stretch Marks?: still no new ones - still just the couple on the underside of my breasts, knock on wood!
Sleep?: still wake up a lot, but have acquired quite the pile of pillows to try and help!
Best Moment This Week: lots of movement and hearing the HB at our appt today!
Movement: Oh still going strong. He's been kind enough to add in cervix punches lately. ;-)
Food Cravings: Still none yet.
Labor Signs: just the basic BH's.
Symptoms: heartburn has lessened, but constipation has set in a little. Bought some Colace just in case! Rib issues still here - mostly the right side. Have had it since early on. Not sure what causes it, but helps if I raise my right arm or lay on my side. Back getting a bit sore, but DH gives me a massage every night and I am SO thankful for it!
Belly Button In or Out?: Still in.
What I miss: still the same - sleeping all night on my back/stomach. Oh, how I miss thee.
What am I looking forward to: Pregnancy related - doing my last injection (Lovenox) in just 1.5 weeks! It'll be weird, but I bet it'll be nice! Oh - and painting our nursery this weekend!
Weekly Wisdom: nothing really.
Milestones: um, does this count? We got our first gift off our registry which was unexpected and pretty cool!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Belly Pics
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Daycare? Check Again!
Daycare #1: the first one we visited was the one I liked the best over the phone. The center is less than 2 years old, hasn't had any violations, has a great open "field" all around that they go on walks in and "explore" and is not located on a major roadway. Rooms were bright, fun and really seemed to be a close-knit group with good security. Also had an indoor playground for the really cold/hot/rainy days so the kids can still get exercise. About 10 minutes from the house and easy access to interstate to get to work. Price: $235/wk
Daycare #2: closer to the house and not too far from interstate to get to work. Nursery smelled and all the classrooms just seemed to be dirty. Just really didn't like it from the minute we walked in. Price: $245/wk
Daycare #3: a little further from the house, but seeemed fun. The rooms were a bit smaller and the center itself seemed kind of cramped. The 3 year old and 4 year old rooms were not enclosed so it was really loud and just seemed like it would be distracting for each other. Price: $245/wk
Daycare #4: we liked the theory on this one - it's an intergenerational daycare. Meaning it's located in a senior living building and they interact on a daily basis. Story time, put on plays, etc... But, when we got there, we just didn't really like it. Not sure what it was, just didn't like it. Price: $210/wk
All 4 provide formula (assuming we end up needing to go that route) and once eating solids, provide baby food. Then, when even older, provide breakfast, snacks and lunch. I never wouldd have guessed! They also have daily report cards and will work with us during the summer for a reduced schedule when DH is home.
So, in case you can't tell, we chose #1! Despite being told we needed to hurry up and make a decision and get on a waiting list, none of the places I called (even those that weren't in our final 4) said no worries, call us when the baby is born. Well, I don't work that way! lol So I called today and official made our yes. She added us to the list, but still - nothing "official" will happen until November. She said not to worry at all, that we'll have a spot, but you can bet I will check back periodically just to make sure! lol
Despite not wanting to pay that much for daycare (even though the one we chose was one of the cheapest around!), we're excited to have someone for our little guy to go once I have to go back to work - it was a big decision!
Pediatriician? Check!
The office has 7 doctors and always has someone on-call at all times so you never get an answering service - you will always get a doctor - even in the middle of the night. They have both sick/well child rooms, offer same-day sick appointments and the place looked really nice. That one particular doctor certainly loved to talk, but she also seemed to know her stuff. And besides, if we don't like her with our baby either, there are 6 others to choose from.
Add to all that, the practice came highly recommended from some local ladies (some of which even went there themselves as kids!), they answered all my questions and, well - we are sold! So one more item down off our list!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Final Ultrasound
Here's what we found out:
Sex: still a boy! DH said he was nervous it wasn't anymore since he got it so ingrained in his head that it was. So we're good to go!
HB: in the 150's
Weight: estimated at 4.2! While I know they can be off, it's comforting to know he may in fact be that big already and if, heaven forbid, something were to happen, he'd be a pretty good weight/age to hopefully do well in the NICU!
Height: said they couldn't estimate since he was all scrunched up
Position: head down! During the u/s he was head down and his legs over to my left side. He even had his hands/arms up by his head sleeping - it was so cute!
Placenta: apparently it's anterior. Go figure! I've been feeling him since 17 weeks, but I guess I could be feeling him more if it wasn't, from what I've heard. Who would have guessed!
My Weight: +1 since last appointment. Total +10.
Overall - they re-checked everything from head to toe and the tech and doctor both said he looked really good! Yay!
I have one more 2-week appt left and then around 35 weeks they said I switch to weekly. That's also when I get my lovely Strep-B test. I asked if they swabbed both from and back and the answer was yes. I'm ok with that, just wanted to know what to expect! lol
So, yeah - assuming this little guy is on time, our baby will be here is less than 2 months. Scary, yet exciting, thought! Oh - and I'll try and post some of the pics from the u/s - they put some on cd for me, but forgot my cd drive attachment today. Sorry!
Monday, August 10, 2009
31 Weeks!
Total Weight Gain: +9 as of last appt. Next appt. is Wed - I'm sure I've gained more!
Stretch Marks?: no new ones - just a couple on the underside of my breasts, knock on wood!
Sleep?: still wake up a lot, but various positions throughout the night help.
Best Moment This Week: My nephew's 1st birthday party! Oh - and my mom and sister seeing my belly move!
Movement: Oh still going strong. Feeling more in my ribs now.
Food Cravings: Still none yet.
Labor Signs: just the basic BH's.
Symptoms: heartburn, some rib issues - mostly the right side. Have had it since early on. Not sure what causes it, but helps if I raise my right arm or lay on my side.
Belly Button In or Out?: Still in.
What I miss: my sister - brought her back to the airport to fly back to Australia yesterday. :-( PG related - sleeping all night on my back/stomach.
What am I looking forward to: Pregnancy related - seeing the little guy on our next ultrasound on Wednesday! Non-pregnancy related? finally a weekend home with nowhere to go and no visitors!
Weekly Wisdom: nothing really, but I did have to AW this text from DH: "I love you more each day. Me, you and bitty. Everything elseis just a side dish." I love you to, babe! Yay! ;-)
Milestones: final u/s on Wednesday - was told it's routine, so I'm assuming it's for growth and positioning?
Friday, August 7, 2009
1) We did 2 daycare visits - 1 we really liked and 1 not as much. And go figure - the one we liked the most was the cheaper of the 2! We have a couple more left and then we'll make our final decision. The funny thing, is none of them really need our Yes/No answer until the baby is here. I had always heard that you have to do it ASAP b/c spaces fill up, but so far, that has just not been the case. We will probably do it sooner than that b/c that's just how I work, but I just found it so different than what I'd always been told.
2) L&D Tour: had our first class. It was a quick one - just a high level overview of some of the staff from each of the departments (NICU, Breastfeeding, etc...) and then a tour. There were a couple things I wish we could change (ie: the birthing tubs currently not hooked up), but our OB only delivers at this hospital so I'm happy we liked it overall! Plus, we've really only heard good things about delivering at St. Pete's, so that's good, too.
3) Nursery: nothing beyond emptying the room has been started (which subsequently needs to be re-emptied!), but we think we have narrowed down colors, etc... When we decide officially, I'll post them. It's not easy!
Other than that, we are finally ending our "on-the-go" session. We seriously haven't had a free weekend in I can't remember how long. This weekend we go to my nephew's 1st birthday party and then we'll finally be home for a while and can get things done. Yay! We got him this book (which is awesome!) with his name and then DH is picking up a toy today. Should be fun!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Belly Pics!
30 weeks!
How far along?: 30 weeks!
Total Weight Gain: +9
Maternity Clothes?: Still haven't bought new ones yet - but getting plenty of use out of the ones I do have.
Stretch Marks?: no new ones, knock on wood!
Sleep? slept better this weekend than I have in a while - but I'm thinking that's due to the long hours and lots of dancing associated with a wedding!
Best Moment This Week: my sister arrived from Australia and my other sister got married to an awesome guy!
Movement: Oh yeah - especially when I'm laying on my side!
Food Cravings: Still none yet.
Labor Signs: Nothing yet which I'm thankful for.
Belly Button In or Out?: Still in.
What I miss: my sister :-(
What am I looking forward to: Pregnancy related - DH feeling the baby again Non-pregnancy related? Seeing my sisters again this weekend!
Weekly Wisdom: I apparently am looking small to some - can't complain about that, I don't think! ha
Milestones: we have our first class tomorrow - Maternity Night at the hospital. Hope it's a good one!