Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day Weekend

This weekend was great! A nice combination of relaxation and family time. We ended up heading north to my parents' house Friday afternoon since I had taken the day off and DH was done teaching early that day. So we packed up the boat, the cat, and enough extra "stuff" to last us a week. Oh well - better to be overprepared!

Friday night we dropped the cat and everything off at my parents house, said our hello's and then headed out to the lake with the boat. It was such a beautiful night out - I took about a thousand pictures. The views are just so beautiful beautiful up there, how could I not!

Even some local wildlife made the pictures!

DH did some fishing...

And I did some relaxing...

We had some snacks...

And some fun with my injections!

We stayed for the sunset that night before heading in - it was breathtaking!

It gets better...

And even better...

When we got back that night, Riley had definitely made himself at home!

Saturday, the weather was pretty crappy out - very humid and then some terrible thunderstorms. I even almost got hit by lightening when it came through the phone lines or something - it came within just inches of where I was sitting - yikes!

Dad worked most of the day so my sister and I spent it just hanging out with my mom while the boys (DH and my sister's fiance) went out to the lake to fish. Dad joined them once he was done with work - just in time to get out there and then have to come in because of the storm - oops!

And then Sunday was another gorgeous day - perhaps the best day of the three - sunny, clear skies, and practically no humidity - perfect for Father's Day! So we all hopped in the truck and headed to church. Then went home, had lunch, and then we all (except mom) went out fishing with dad. I decided not to get my fishing license this year so I played photographer for the day - yup - took another thousand pictures lol

Went to two different places - breathtaking views once again (gotta love the Adirondacks!)

Location #1:

My sister (7.5 mos pregnant - can't even tell, can you!) and my dad:

Second, and final fishing place for the day...

Fishing and spending time with dad (since we don't get to see him much) was our main gift, but we did get dad a few fun gifts. My parents don't drink, smoke, or anything. But we made a joke a while back that I was getting dad a six pack and a carton of cigarettes for Father's Day. So I poked around some stores and picked up a six-pack of root "beer" and some chocolate cigars. I really tried to find the candy cigarettes, but I guess they just don't make them anymore?

Before we headed out on the drive back home, we hung around my parents house for a bit and let Riley outside before being crated up for a couple hours - let's just say he knows how to get comfortable...

Finally, here are a couple views around my parents' property. It is just so beautiful up there - definitely nothing like the city life I live now!

Overall, it was an awesome trip back home. It is always nice to get away, relax, and spend time with family. Don't you agree?!

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