Thursday, February 26, 2009

Good luck Larissa!

I wanted to wish Larissa and Shawn a ton of luck today! They finally get to have their first ultrasound and see how many babies are in there! I can't wait to find out!

And, I don't know if Stacy reads this blog, but if she does, good luck to you and your husband as well!

(Larissa - I never know if it's ok to link to your blog or not - so let me know either way?) ;-)


Sandi said...

Good luck to both of you! Marcy....I can't wait to hear about your u/s today! I will be thinking of you, prayers that the spotting was all normal and baby looks great! Did the spotting lighten up? I spotted from 12-15 weeks, odd to me but normal my Dr said!

Good luck!!!!!

shawnandlarissa said...

Thanks Marcy! And it's ok to link to my blog now :)