Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Spotting :-(

I have been able to avoid the joy of spotting so far. Thought maybe I'd be a lucky one who didn't spot. But, such is not the case. It started last night, then went away for a bit and is back today. Mostly brown, some pinpoint red yesterday. And it freaks me the heck out. A lot.

I know it happens. And doesn't always mean something bad - but there's still that possibility. And that's what keeps creeping into my mind that I have to keep pushing out.

I tell myself - I have cramping, but it's not really bad so that's good, right? And it's just spotting and not a ton of bleeding, so that's a positive, right? Ugh.

I haven't bothered called the RE's office since I have my next ultrasound on Friday anyway. And it's not like they can do anything about it anyway if it was the start of a miscarriage.

So - I guess I will just hope it stops soon and see what Friday brings us, right?

(Please stop, please stop, please stop...)


Amy C said...

Brown is OLD blood.....don't worry! You can bleed from sex, a vaginal happens...remain calm :-)

shawnandlarissa said...

I've had spotting off and on. I'd call the doctor if I were you. They'll say something that will make you feel better and that's way better than worrying until the next u/x

shawna said...

I know that it will stop. Unfortunately, the worrying will continue until she turns 18.

Joy@WDDCH said...

I wouldn't wait to call the doctor. They should know about it! They may even bump your ultrasound up sooner!!!