Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sex - Finally!

We had sex last night and it was awesome. And will probably again tonight. I know, it's TMI, but I don't care. It's my blog ;-)

Because of DH's MFI, he had to supply a few frozen samples last cycle. And for each one, we had to abstain from sex for a few days to get his count up. So based on the time spent abstaining for those, my period during the cycle, then the no sex prior to the ER/ET, then the no sex allowed during the 2WW after and then we just don't like to have sex during my period - let's just say there was little sex action over the last month or so.

Last night was much needed and much enjoyed ;-)

1 comment:

shawna said...

WooHoo for great sex! I can't thank you enough for all of your support. You have been amazing!