Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fert Report!

And the winner is?

Amy C! She guessed 7 retrieved and 6 mature. She was very, very close! We had 7 retrieved and 7 mature - with 6 fertilized! Great guess!

Most of you know this already since I posted yesterday on the boards, but couldn't get on here since I didn't have my own laptop and didn't want this blog to show up on the computer I was using.

But yay! I was so nervous waiting for that call. I figured with the percentages we had in the past (10 retrieved, 4 mature, 3 fertilized), it wasn't looking like good odds with only 7 being retrieved.

But, as everyone has said, it's more about quality than quantity. And, while I knew it was true, I was just hoping for a bit more quantity just in case the quality wasn't there lol. But, so far, it looks like the meds really have helped with the quantity.

With that news, we were told we have been pushed out to our first ever 5dt! So now I just continue on the Lovenox and PIO (they're not having me do Estrace this time) and wait until Saturday. They also decided to not have me do the HCG boosters until I am actually pregnant. Different than the original protocol, but I guess I'll do what they say. Wondering why I had to order them so early if there was a potential I wasn't going to use them. Odd.

But, anyway - we have our fingers crossed and can't wait for Saturday morning. We have to be there at 8:00 in the morning and then, based on how the embies are doing, we'll decide how many we transfer.

Thank you to everyone for all of their well-wishes. It truly means so much to both of us!

1 comment:

Amy C said...

Yay...I was closest :-) Okay..think positive. I had 9 retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized and I am pregnant with twins and have embryo's to feeze!!!