Friday, January 9, 2009

Stims - Day 9

Well, today we had 2 special guests for my day 9 ultraound. The first being yet another snow and ice storm (seriously Mother Nature - we've had enough already!) and the second being the doctor! Every once in a while he likes to pop in with the nurse and do the ultrasound himself. Guess to see for himself what going on in there, eh? lol

He did have a couple he measured including one lead follie that wanted to run away from the pack! So he had me add in Ganirelix to put my system on hold so the little follie doesn't cause me to ovulate and lose everything we've worked so hard for!

The nurse then later called me to keep my Menopur at the upped 150 iu and had me up my Follistim back up to 225 iu. I'm feeling quite a bit like a science experiment, but I think I like it! Makes me feel like they're really paying attention and we might do better this cycle. Fingers crossed!

And, in all seriously. Mother Nature - we have had more snow and ice storms so far this season and it's only just begun. Save some for next year, ok?! LOL

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