Monday, January 26, 2009

Today, in my Uterus

Based on the chart below, the little ones should be attaching to a site on the uterine lining.

I would really love a little uterus nanny cam to see what's going on in there for sure!

As far as symptoms go I have extremely sore boobs, acid reflux, uterus twinges and have been burping alot. Oh - and tired. But, since they were just transferred back in 2 days ago and are only just now potentially implanting, I know all of these phantom symptoms are a result of the meds, but I still want to list them. ;-)

Hope everyone had a great weekend, talk to you soon!

1 comment:

Sandi said...

One of my first symptoms before my BFP was burping....just sayin'! lol

Snuggle in little ones!